Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas in the Tropics

I'm sure no one who knows me is not surprised that I was sad about this Christmas because we were so far away from all the people we know and love, and it's true that this year was not like the others. This Christmas could have been improved by having more of our friends and family here with us.

But. . .

this year was also amazing. My children were dreams. Every gift they opened was their favorite, just what they were asking for. They played with each thing instead of throwing it aside and tearing through the pile to the next one. They were appreciative. Lovely. Then, after all the presents were opened, they actually shared. They shared everything. It was pure bliss. And I felt like all my parenting had paid off--because when things go right we get the credit, but when things go wrong, it's somebody else's fault.

Anyway, the kids left a funny note for Santa along with cookies, milk, and carrots.

Here is a close-up in case you want to attempt to read it. My favorite part is the ending which warns Santa to beware of ants.

Here is the booty. Not that booty.

Surprisingly, we woke up before the kids. Once they came out of their room though, they went right for the stockings and checked to see if the cookies were gone. It took a few minutes before they discovered all the stuff around the tree.

They checked out the tent and stared in awe at the pile of presents, but we decided to open stockings first this year.

When Barbie woke up, the kids showed her that Santa had come.

Zoe can not be contained by clothing. 

Here, Wyatt's mouth became full of chocolate for the first time that morning. It stayed that way.

Daddy is opening one of his presents wrapped beautifully by Zoe.

This is my favorite. The girls each received special outfits from Santa. Zoe's has little bells on the top and Ella's has a fancy scarf. Do you think they like them?

And these Singapore ones too.

Ella loved all the Barbie stuff.

Daddy loved his new shirt.

Zoe loved her own Spiderman toy.

Who is that guy?

Zoe's snake-charming classes are finally paying off.

But she needs to get into character first.

Zoe is the most expressive gift-receiver I know. For every Christmas, there is at least one picture of her loving at least one present this hard. This year's biggest hit for her is this puppy she named Rose.

Wyatt loved his Spiderman stuff, too.

But Zoe and Rose 4-ever!

Sometimes they all 3 worked together.

And before things got too crazy, we had breakfast: chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, watermelon (not for Wy though), and pineapple. Yummy!

Wyatt's favorite gift is probably this silly police officer uniform.

That whistle sure is loud!

Ella deciphered her secret message from Grandma Skinner.

and we had bam-a-lam time too.

In fact, Officer Wyatt got really into bam-a-lam time.

Then, the kids and Daddy took their new pool toys for a swim and Mommy packed for our next big adventure, a trip to the Cameron Highlands and Pulau Pangkor in Malaysia.

I hope everyone had a merry Christmas this year. I loved looking at all the pictures on Facebook. Next year, we'll be back in the US, but this year sure has left a lasting impression.

Love and miss you, everyone!

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